Tuesday 26 January 2016

Crossing the Border

I was delighted to contribute to Crossing the Border, a Loftus production for BBC Radio Three, first broadcast on 24th January.

Presented by Matthew Sweet, this was an absorbing documentary about the history of poetry and film Produced and edited, brilliantly, by Emma-Louise Williams. I chipped in with some thoughts about the GPO Film Unit in the 1930s and its links to Russian film-makers such as the great Dziga Vertov. There's an illuminating encounter between the fine poet Tony Harrison and his film collaborator Peter  Symes. They made The Blasphemers’ Banquet (1989) a spirited defence of Salman Rushdie for the BBC in the days when the Corporation stood for something and Black Daisies for the Bride, a very moving film poem about Alzheimerís disease.

Do listen to Crossing the Border here.

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